Monday, June 01, 2009

BIG birthday party!

This weekend we celebrated David's birthday with a BIG party! There were around 35 people here at our house (a record for us so far) and we had so much fun! We ate fajitas, had lots of yummy desserts, played outside (it wasn't raining...can you believe it?!), and did a lot of visiting. It was nice for me to have the chance to get to know some of David's friends a little better. They are all wonderful families. We are blessed to have such great friends like these! Here are a few pictures from the evening...

Check out that fire! There were a LOT of candles on that tiny cake! :)

You know how when you get married, there is a lot of blending that takes place with traditions and such? Well, come to find out, blowing out candles was never a tradition in David's family. So he told me later that this is the first time he has ever blown out candles on a birthday cake! I couldn't believe it! 

The kids had a great time weeding out the grass around our oil tank and having grass wars! It's funny how kids can find things to do no matter what. Plus, now our oil tank looks nice and tidy! Thanks kids!

Aren't they little cutie pies?!

It was a wild, busy house but such fun! 


Freedom's Call Band said...

Looks like it was a great party! Happy Birthday David!!!

Karen said...

Looks like a fun day! Happy belated Birthday David!