So here we are, at the end of my Minnesota trip. Our last week was packed full of seeing friends and family and enjoying every little bit of Minnesota that we could. Here are a few random shots of it all...

Like father, like son!
I was amused to see that my nephew Thomas has grown so much like my brother. They both have the same ability to intensely concentrate on things, love being the center of attention, are highly intelligent, and like to let you know by using big words and concepts! Ha ha! And they are both crazy fun! And check out their Christmas tree!!...

We also had the blessing of seeing the Fraser family one afternoon. Love this family so much. They are a huge encouragement and an amazing example of Christ-likeness. I really admire them.
And their girls are gems! Mariah enjoyed dressing up with them (or rather, being dressed up!) Wig and all!

We were also blessed by a lovely evening over for supper with my cousins. Their kiddos are close in age to ours and enjoyed playing together. Mariah and Judah are tolerating a rather vigorous hug from Elinor.

And finally, saying goodbye at the airport! :(

Boy, do I ever miss them! I thank God for such wonderful parents and grandparents for my children. Sooooo blessed!!
And here we go...back on the airplane, flying home. I kind of felt like Micah looks at this point too..."HELP!"

Traveling home was WAY harder than the trip over. For one thing, the bassinet that I had tried so hard to reserve didn't work out in the end and we never had an empty seat next to us, unlike on the way over. So it was a bit more work and slightly stressful since I had to hold a wiggly little boy the whole way,. Thankfully the kind gentleman next to me managed to save my tray of food from flying into the air from one of Micah's swift kicks. In the end, we made it and are now home safe and sound. Whew!