Monday, October 09, 2006

In His presence

"...the times of refreshing
shall come from
the presence of the Lord."
Acts 3:19
This verse is so true. We came back yesterday from travelling for the weekend and I was exhausted. Shortly after we got home I realized I had to go to a meeting at church that night and I really didn't feel like it. But as I arrived and we were praying and worshiping the Lord, my spirit became so completely refreshed and revived--it was like a drink of cool water on a hot day. What a blessing to be with others who are in God's presence and carry His presence with them wherever they go.


Bethany said...

So precious; so true. Thanks for sharing this! (And beautiful picture -- I love how you framed it; the fall colors are so vibrant!)

Melody said...

What a wonderful reminder! Truly, the times of refreshing are in the presence of the Lord! He is our peace.
Melanie, I was so blessed when I came across your blog through your sister Mindys'. I just recently read Handmaidens of the Lord by Crystal Paine. The Lord really used your testimony in this book as a means of grace to me. To remain under your parents seems like such a narrow path sometimes--so it is always such a blessing to hear of those who are faithfully walking in it. Thank you for your shining example! May the Lord bless you!
A sister in the Lord,